Career Attributes refer to different aspects of ourselves, such as our interests, our preferences, our skills, our well-being. Do refer to the list of resources we put together to help you gain more awareness of your Career Attributes.
O*Net Profiler
A free US career profiling tool based on John Holland's RIASEC codes to identify interests and recommend possible job families.
MySkillsFuture RIASEC profiling tool
A free Singapore career profiling tool based on John Holland's RIASEC codes to identify interests, skills confidence and work values. Do note that Singpass login is required.
Truity Holland Code Test
A free career interest profiling tool based on John Holland's RIASEC codes to identify career interests.
Singapore Critical Core Skills Profiling Tool
A free 160 item survey tool built by the Institute of Adult Learning (IAL) using Singapore's Critical Core Skills framework to ascertain your core skills (otherwise known as "soft skills". A personalised report will be emailed to you.
Career Management Survey
A free survey built by the Institute of Adult Learning (IAL) to help you chart out how you are managing in your career. A personalised report will be emailed to you.