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Free Interview Preparation Resources


We have compiled a list of free Interview Preparation resources available in Singapore. Do read on to consider using them. Do note that the information we provide is only accurate at point of publishing.

Video interviews are becoming a norm for both screening and selection. It is common for employers to ask applicants to do a recorded video interview to help them screen suitable candidates before moving on to live interviews. Practice for interviews is therefore important. The best news? We have 2 tools below to help you do that for free.

Google Interview Warmup

Analyse your narrated interview responses for relevance. This tool helps you to analyse your responses in terms of repeated words, topic, skills, job related words, goals. It also has specific questions for jobs in the IT sector such as User Experience, Web Developer, E-Commerce, IT Support, Project Management.

JobStreet Interview Practice

Record your visual and audio interview response and have it played back to you to review. This tool has a good range of common interview questions across different categories for you to choose and practice. Viewing your recorded responses would help you review how you appear and sound on screen.

Arabian Morgan's Interview Simulator

Learn about more than 100 different interview questions and how to respond to them. This tool gives good recommendations on how to structure answers and responses to different interview questions. It also provides simulated questions asking to allow you to practice responding to. Do note there is no audio or video recording or transcribing for this tool.




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