[Online Programme] Developing My Career Story
|Register with Civil Service College
How can you take charge and develop your own career story?
![[Online Programme] Developing My Career Story](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/3a594d_e3cef08fb713471e9bb5213900774363~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_980,h_653,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/3a594d_e3cef08fb713471e9bb5213900774363~mv2.png)
![[Online Programme] Developing My Career Story](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/3a594d_e3cef08fb713471e9bb5213900774363~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_980,h_653,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/3a594d_e3cef08fb713471e9bb5213900774363~mv2.png)
Time & Location
Register with Civil Service College
About The Event
Our careers are like books, each with a beginning, filled with chapters of plots leading to a desired ending. As authors of our own lives, the onus of writing our career story has always been in our hands. However, most of us do not know how to take control, develop and shape our careers. Changes in the surrounding environment, which include the workplace and our own personal life circumstances, often lead us to consider possible plots for our ongoing career storylines. So how can you take charge and develop your own career story?
In this programme, you will be guided to learn about yourself as the story author, review your written career story and develop a narrative to shape the plot of your future career story. The programme is spilt into 2x 4 hours online Zoom sessions. It includes the use of diagnostic profiling reports, and group discussions around concepts and personal experiences and will include pre- and post- reflective and summative assignments to support learning and application. You will also receive a 1 hour one-to-one career clarification with a Career Coach after the programme. Please see the outline below for more details
Course Pre-Work (est. 1-2 hours)
Complete a Pre Course Reflection
Complete a Profiling Tool Report
Complete a Pre Course Survey
Session 1 (4 hours in class)
Learn and refine Career Worldviews
Learn about Career Planning
Group discussions, In-Class Reflections, Case Studies
Course Mid Point (est. 1-2 hours)
Complete a Mid Point Reflection
Complete Session 1 templates
Session 2 (4 hours in class)
Learn about Ourselves - Person and Work Fit
Learn to use Personal Narratives to Build a Career Direction
Group discussions, In-Class Reflections, Case Studies
Post Course Work (est. 1-2 hours)
Complete a Course End Reflection
Complete Session 2 templates
Complete Course Survey
One-to-One Career Clarification (1 hour) within 2 weeks of Course
Attend a One to One Career Clarification session
Clarify Overall Personal Learning
Receive Coaching over Career Situations
This programme is suitable for early, mid and late career individuals who are thinking of what is next for their career and would like to plan ahead. The programme is only open to all Singapore Public Service Officers via Civil Service College.