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NCDA Career Practitioner Supervision Programme (45 hours) - Intake 1/2023

Tue, 04 Jul


Multiple Self Learn, Online Live Sessions

Work towards becoming an NCDA Certified Clinical Supervisor of Career Counselling (CCSCC)

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NCDA Career Practitioner Supervision Programme (45 hours) - Intake 1/2023
NCDA Career Practitioner Supervision Programme (45 hours) - Intake 1/2023

Time & Location

04 Jul 2023, 9:00 am – 18 Jul 2023, 6:00 pm

Multiple Self Learn, Online Live Sessions

About The Event

Work towards being credentialled through NCDA as a Certified Clinical Supervisor of Career Counselling (CCSCC).

Career Practitioner Supervision is a strategic and quality competency for any career practitioner, career services business and the overall salience or trustworthiness of the career development landscape. Beyond ensuring safety and ethical support, quality client care or rendering professional learning & development to career practitioners – Career Practitioner Supervision also raises the level of career practitioner self-awareness and agency, raising skills and knowledge-to-practice efficacy, and perhaps the most critical of all - raising and ensuring standards, performance and gatekeeping of career practitioners as required by NCDA.

Take part in an international edition of the NCDA 45 hour Career Practitioner Supervision (CPS) programme, through at least 23 hours of live training sessions and 22 hours of practicum related work assignments.  


Over 3 days, you can expect the following learning activities:

Live Sessions (9 hours per week / 24 learning hours)

Attend weekly live sessions conducted online by NCDA's Supervision Instructors. All dates and times are in Singapore Time GMT+8.

  1. Day 1 - 4 Jul 2023 - 9am to 6pm*

  2. Day 2 - 11 Jul 2023 - 9am to 6pm*

  3. Day 3 - 18 Jul 2023 - 9am to 6pm*

*Lunch break and appropriate short breaks will be given

Practicum related work assignments (22 hours)

Complete personal reflections, practicum recordings and review, assigned readings and case studies by Nov 2023.

Entry Pre-requisite

All participants will be reviewed for eligibility and suitability upon receiving their declarations and documentation support for the following areas:

  1.  Master’s Degree in counselling or other closely related qualifications and field eg. Graduate Diploma / Specialist Diploma / Degree in Social Science

  2. At least 6-8 years of experience in career counselling or delivery of career services

  3. Completed at least 20 professional development contact hours in career development

  4. Have been receiving practice supervision from a NCDA CCSCC or local counselling supervisor within the last 5 years

In addition, priority for enrolment will be given to participants who fulfil these additional criteria:

  1. An NCDA or locally credentialled Career Counsellor or Career Coach (CCSP, FCD)

  2. Currently in a career coaching / counselling role or professional supervision role, or about to enter a professional supervision role.

Individuals may be invited for knowledge, competency and/or situational assessment for course entry, based on the merits of each application.

Programme Fees

SGD$2,000 - Regular Price

SGD$1,900 - Discounted Price applies to:

  • NCDA Credential Holders

  • Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA) Members

Upon registration of your interest, we will email you a hyperlink to download a CPS Information Pack to understand more about the programme and enrolment process. Due to limited class size, enrolments will only be confirmed with full payment, on a first come first serve basis. The intake will only be confirmed upon reaching 7 participants per intake.

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