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Career Construction Masterclass Advanced - Nov 2023 - Intake 3/2023

Multiple Training Dates


Multiple Self Learn, Online Live Sessions

Learn Career Construction Theory and the Career Construction Interview with Dr. Kevin Glavin, CEO and Founder of Create Your Why

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Career Construction Masterclass Advanced - Nov 2023 - Intake 3/2023
Career Construction Masterclass Advanced - Nov 2023 - Intake 3/2023

Time & Location

Multiple Training Dates

Multiple Self Learn, Online Live Sessions

About The Event

Gain a solid understanding of Career Construction Theory and learn how to conduct the Career Construction Interview with confidence. This Masterclass, taught by Dr. Kevin Glavin, CEO & Founder of Create Your Why, will teach you the theory and constructs of Career Construction, and help you practice your CCI skills by way of live supervised practice sessions.

A global pandemic and a world now commonly described as VUCA: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (Bennett & Lemoine, 2014) have ushered in a new world of work. Workers are having to adapt to a paradigm shift where “The future is not what it used to be” (Berra, 1998). Traditional Career theories, while necessary, are not sufficient enough to address the complex and diverse career concerns workers now face.

In an attempt to address these issues, Professor Mark Savickas created Life Designing for Career Construction (Savickas, 2011). In Life-Designing we use narrative career interventions to engage individuals in Life Designing Dialogs.

These dialogs help shape or re-shape the person through a continual process of meaning making. Clients learn how to address and cope with complex career concerns, challenges, and transitions by re-authoring their story. The cross-cultural nature of storytelling allows career counselors to apply LDCC across a diverse array of clients and client concerns. While LDCC is the new paradigm of thought for career development practitioners in the 21st century, we use Career Construction Theory and the Career Construction Interview to conceptualize a client’s current concern and move from theory to practice.

Career Construction Theory (CCT) is a comprehensive theory of vocational choice and adjustment that addresses the What, How, and Why of a career decision. It provides a means of integrating three viewpoints of vocational behavior:

  1. What: The psychology of individual differences
  2. How: The psychology of development
  3. Why: Narrative psychology

The Career Construction Interview (CCI) operationalizes CCT. It provides practitioners with a means by which to move from theory to practice. The CCI is a structured interview during which career practitioners inquire about five topics that uncover life themes and inform decision making about a client’s current transition or challenge. The topics address role models; magazines, television programs, or websites; favorite story; favorite saying; and early recollections.

Practitioners can use the CCI to help clients explore and identify their career related needs, values, interests, beliefs, and aspirations. Upon completing the CCI clients are better able to understand who they are, where they have been, and where they are going. This provides clients with a greater sense of Clarity, Control, Direction, Confidence, & Purpose.

Programme Learning Outcomes

  1. Participants will learn and practice how to conduct the Career Construction Interview effectively and ethically, and on a one-to-one basis.
  2. Participants will learn and develop an understanding of career and counseling theories, and how their associated constructs and concepts describe, explain, and support the use of the Career Construction Interview.
  3. Participants will learn how to utilise related resources such as the Career Adapt-abilities Scale and the My Career Story Workbook, Life-Design Counselling Manual, Microskills and Case Conceptualisation to support clients as they engage in the Career Construction Interview process.

Experience the best of blended learning, through self-paced eLearning, real-life case study videos, live webinars, live demonstrations, live practicum sessions, and live supervision. You can expect the following learning activities:

Self Paced Learning (20 hours - 6 months access)

6 November 2023

Engage in self-paced eLearning activities via recorded webinars, case study videos, readings, and interactive quizzes (13 modules). While attendees are encouraged to complete as much of the e-learning content as possible before practicum, access to these materials will be provided for 6 months. Dr. Glavin will discuss the most important materials to cover before the start of practicum.

Live Webinars (6 hours across 3 sessions)

6 November 2023 - 7pm to 9pm

14 November 2023 - 7pm to 9pm

11 December 2023 - 7pm to 9pm

Attend 3 x 120 mins of live webinars to facilitate learning, prepare for practicum, and follow-up.

Live Practicum Sessions (19 hours across 3 days)

20, 21, 22 November 2023 - 9am to 5pm daily

Learn from 3 days of live Career Construction Interview practice under the supervision of Dr. Glavin, after learning from a demonstration conducted by Dr Kevin Glavin.

This programme qualifies you to a total of 25 hours of verifiable and 20 hours of non verifiable continuing professional development hours for WSG credential holders. 

Entry Pre-requisite

This programme is organised for Singapore Citizens and PRs and is suitable for the following groups of learners:

  • Trained career practitioners supporting students, job seekers, employees with career counselling, coaching
  • WSG CDF credential holders, NCDA credential holders
  • Prior formal training in career counselling, career coaching

Certification Fees

S$1,370 per participant 

S$1,100 per participant (WSG Career Development Framework Credential Holder)

Full payment to be made upfront to confirm registration spot for the programme.

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